Wyoming, ON – At its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 29, Lambton County Council:
- Recognized donors who have made generous contributions to County programs, services, and facilities over the past year, including Noelle's Gift to Children, Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation, The Lodge Auxiliary, The Villa Auxiliary, The Manor Auxiliary, Ron Van Horne and Scott Ferguson, Don and Anne McGugan, and The Famous 5 Sarnia Lambton Speaker Series. Links to the video presentations can be found at www.lambtononline.ca/donors.
- Heard presentations from:
- Jenna Simpson, Kate Wagar, and Shalen Hunter, Members of the Petrolia Childcare Advocacy Group, regarding the child care crisis in Lambton County.
- Gail Obediah, Development Manager, Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support Services Corporation, regarding its housing project, amenities and services that will be provided on-site, and an update on challenges, delays, next steps, and anticipated timelines of the project.
- Susan Mills, Transit Coordinator, Huron Shores Area Transit, regarding its transit system in Bluewater, Kettle & Stony Point First Nation, Lambton Shores, North Middlesex, and South Huron.
- Stephen Turner, Manager, Lambton Emergency Medical Services (EMS), regarding Lambton EMS’ proposed 2024-2028 Master Plan.
- Requested staff report back to Council before the 2024 budget deliberations outlining the current status of child care in Lambton County, including the availability of spaces and the number of spaces occupied and/or vacant, the current funding for child care spaces available in Lambton County, and the steps taken and/or to be taken to reasonably improve access to child care in Lambton County, including opportunities for potential private/public partnerships.
- Accepted the 2024-2028 EMS Master Plan and its recommendations and will refer the document to each local Municipal Council for its input by January 31, 2024.
- Authorized the Public Works Department to hire one additional full-time engineering/technical position effective January 8, 2024, to support development and growth, capital project management, and transportation and traffic management.
- Agreed to replace the current Committee A.M. and Committee P.M. structure with a Committee of the Whole that meets once per month for a one-year trial period beginning with the January 17, 2024, Committee meeting.
Council will next meet in Open Session at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
Please contact:
Lisa Leggate
Communications & Marketing Coordinator
County of Lambton
519-845-0809 ext. 5214
Email Lisa Leggate