Local Immigration Partnerships are collaborative by their very definition. The Sarnia-Lambton Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) works closely with a number of initiatives which are related to the community’s Settlement Strategy but independent of the LIP. Representation on these groups helps to maintain the LIP Council’s connection with them and provides a forum to advocate for immigrant and newcomer needs.
Age-Friendly Sarnia-Lambton |
Thanks to support from the province of Ontario, Age-Friendly Sarnia (AFS) has developed a local Community Action Plan with recommended priority action items. The AFS Action Plan was endorsed by Sarnia City Council in 2017. A steering committee and seven sub-committees comprised of 73 community members are currently working on implementing the recommendations in the Action Plan. In 2018 the City of Sarnia was recognized for its local efforts to support an aging population and joined the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Communities. The complete AFS Action Plan is available as a PDF here: Age-Friendly Sarnia Community Action Plan. To learn more, please visit the Age Friendly Sarnia-Lambton website. |
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership |
The Sarnia Lambton Economic Partnership (SLEP) is a private/public sector, community-based partnership that works to continually increase the economic activity in the County of Lambton. SLEP has local business leaders, educational institutions and municipal governments collaborating with one another, allowing Sarnia-Lambton as a whole to benefit from coordinated economic development initiatives. SLEP's core services include: Strategic economic planning for the community, marketing and promotion, entrepreneurship and small business support and new resident attraction. SLEP works closely with the Sarnia-Lambton LIP with the aim of attracting, retaining and ensuring the economic prosperity of newcomers to Sarnia-Lambton. Visit the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership website for more information. |
Sarnia-Lambton Workforce Development Board |
The Sarnia Lambton Workforce Development Board (SWLDB) actively engages organizations and community partners in local labour market projects and conducts consultations with business owners throughout the year in order to identify needs and facilitate solutions to attract, train and retain a sustainable workforce. Each year SLWDB releases a Local Labour Market Plan that provides labour market information, identifies issues, and outlines strategies for action through community partnerships. SLWDB also runs the EmployerOne Survey every January to collect information directly from employers, with a follow up report that highlights local workforce needs and issues. |
City of Sarnia United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Working Group |
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Working Group, a committee of Sarnia City Council, is an organization that advises Council on the planning and implementation of UNDRIP within the City of Sarnia. The committee meets one Wednesday per month at 3:00 p.m. at Sarnia City Hall or First Nations Centers around Lambton County. For more information about the UNDRIP working group, including minutes, agendas and more, please visit the Sarnia City Council website. |
Sarnia-Lambton Committee Against Trafficking of Women and Children |
The Committee Against Trafficking of Women and Children is comprised of individuals and organizations concerned with and working to address the problem of human trafficking in Sarnia-Lambton. The Committee works to increase public awareness of the issue locally and is in the midst of coordinating the development of a community-wide protocol for supporting and assisting victims of human trafficking in Sarnia-Lambton. |