The Lambton Renovates program offers financial assistance to eligible households as follows:
- One-time assistance in the form of a 10-year forgivable loan, secured by registration on title, for home repairs to a maximum of $20,000 per household.
- One-time assistance in the form of a grant, which does not require repayment, for accessibility improvements to a maximum of $5,000 per household.
Lambton Renovates Information Sheet Lambton Renovates Application Form
Who is Eligible
Households who meet the following sample criteria: (For a complete list of eligibility criteria, please see the Lambton Renovates Information Sheet above).
- Total household income and assets complies with the income and asset criteria as listed in the Information Sheet.
- Own of a home in Lambton County that is your sole and principal residence with a maximum market value of $325,000.
- All property taxes and mortgage payments must be up to date and insurance coverage in place for the full value of the home.
- Your home must be in need of repair, energy and/or accessibility upgrades.
For a complete list of eligibility criteria and further details, please see the Lambton Renovates Information Sheet.
What types of repairs can be done?
Eligible repairs under the Lambton Renovates program may include major repairs and rehabilitation required to make your home safe while improving energy efficiency. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Heating systems
- Foundations
- Roofs, vents, louvers
- Electrical systems
- Plumbing, toilet replacement, water heaters
- Septic systems and well water, well drilling
Modifications to increase accessibility related to housing and the occupant's disability include, but are not limited to:
- Ramps
- Handrails
- Chair and bath lifts
- Bathroom renovations
How to apply
Applications and additional information are available by contacting County of Lambton, Housing Services Department during regular business hours Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.